One of the great pleasures in life for a Jew in the Land of Israel during this time of the Redemption is to watch coverage of the tyrants of the world sitting in judgement of Israel at the UN. All you need to enter this exclusive club is to belong to a failed state with no real future except some new tyrant bloodily overthrowing the present one and putting his family and friends in positions of power and prestige, such as the much-sought-after UN sinecure of Official Israel Basher. There they sit, day after day, resolution after resolution, for most of the year, calling Israel every name in the book. Shameless. Hilarious.
It wasn’t funny when Israel was weak. We had to constantly cry foul. We were pitiful. Who has been supporting us during the past few decades? The United States and Micronesia. There you have it. I imagine we gave Micronesia a good deal on Uzis. The United States? Now there is a story. The miraculous nature of the rebirth of Israel was right there at the start. The entire US foreign service apparatus was against the establishment of Israel. They feared that Israel would become a soviet puppet state endangering America’s future relations with the Oil rich Arab entities soon to appear on the map. They were right to fear that, if not because it might have been arguably true at the time, then because Stalin and his Soviet block of nations were enthusiastic supporters of the creation of a Jewish state. If it had continued, this Soviet support may very well have led to Israel being aligned with Stalin, especially if the US voted against the creation of Israel on the UN partition vote, as was expected and as was promised by then President Truman to his Secretary of State Marshall the night before the vote. That night, so the story goes, Truman read the Bible as was his custom, and came to see himself as a modern Cyrus, proclaiming emancipation for the Jews. The next day he gave the order to an apoplectic Marshall, who, good soldier as he was, passed it on to the delegation at the UN. The Jews were happy with the vote, the Arabs were not and five Arab nations in the vicinity of Israel attacked. Israel won its war of independence and all the other wars since then waged upon it by the Arabs.
At the same time, the British also left India, with a similar partition plan that divided India into two states: India and Pakistan. Pakistan was to be the state created for the Muslims of India. There was a population exchange with ten million Hindis in Pakistan moving across the new north-west border of India, and ten million Muslims within the new Indian border crossing over to Pakistan. Though they have fought a war and waged endless armed “skirmishes,” there is no ongoing discussion of their right to exist.
So why is it acceptable when talking about Israel? Further, if one product of the UN partition plan, Israel, has its existence continually questioned, why not the other product, Jordan? There is a simple answer, and everyone knows what it is. This type of discussion of Israel is considered acceptable because Israel is the nation of the Jews. What is being discussed is the Jew’s right to exist. Let’s have a lively discussion, like the one at Wannsee in 1942 that resulted in the operational plans for the Nazi’s final solution to the Jewish question: the extermination of the Jews. There is nothing more final than extermination.
The phrase “Israel’s right to exist” is a euphemism for “The Jew’s right to exist,” plain and simple. Neither of them should ever cross the lips of decent human beings.
Simply PHENOMENAL, Ehud! Bravo! Your writing is a wonderful inspiration! Keep it up! So right on the money across the board!
Where is Palestine? We build settlements in Judah and Samaria. There is no Palestinian land. There will never be another "two state solution." The two-state solution is in place. Israel and Jordan. You need to know that by parroting these tropes you are not helping who you purport to help. Ninety-five percent of the Palestinians downstream of the corrupt leadership are kept down in the dirt by their leaders. The billions sent by the west for their support never reaches those who need it. It is siphoned off by the leadership. the Palestinian Authority is a terrorist supporting entity, is totally corrupt, and needs to be removed. Every "downstream" Arab I have worked with or simply spoken to says this.
Once the thugs at the top are removed, the indigenous Arab clans can take over. Dr. Mordechai Kedar has presented a plan called the "Palestinian Emirates Plan." The five largest Arab towns in Judea and Samaria would become independent enclaves run by the respective clans who already make up the majority of the population in those cities. They will be free to interact directly with all nationalities that do not pose a threat to Israel. They would be free to cooperate with one another and last if not least, they would be free to partake of the endless advantages of cooperating with the Jewish state. Emirate Plan: