It is too late for the Two-State solution. This is a direct result of the dissolution of the similarly discredited Oslo Accords, a self-inflicted wound from which Israel is finally ridding itself. Those accords, the product of feverish and ignorant minds proclaiming their nonsense from the high place of Haifa University, were presented to the people of Israel as no less than a secular Messiah. Many were swayed by the constant one-sided messaging, but still, the accords passed only with the purchase of the votes of two far-right members of Knesset (you read that correctly), meaning, that left to a fair fight, the majority of Israeli Jewish members of the Knesset had the common sense to see the folly of this project. This is a more emphatic declaration of common sense when considering the automatic support by the Arab members of Knesset (18%), for whom these accords carried no existential weight whatsoever. Regardless of how they were passed, they were passed, and the ensuing chaos was not long in coming.
Remarkably, the murder of thousands of Jews over the next couple of years did not seem to affect the Oslo “narrative” in any way, indeed, Prime Minister Rabin called these poor Jews the (necessary) “victims of peace.” It was not until a particularly devastating terrorist attack at the Park Hotel in Natanya during the Passover holiday on March 27, 2002, in which 30 Israeli Jews were killed and another 140 injured that the “Peace Train” was slowed. And that was it. It was clear for all to see. The underlying corollary of the Oslo Accords was a demonic algorithm of spilt Jewish blood. A certain number of Jews, over a certain period of time, could be slaughtered. That was the price of peace. Too many Jews in too short a time? Even the most peace-loving Israeli Jew had to object. That was a red line inscribed in Jewish blood. So then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon sent the army into the casbahs of Samaria to flush out the terrorists, and flush out they did.
Should that have been the end of the Oslo illusion? It would have been, and should have been, but unfortunately by then Oslo-Optics had become institutionalized, with mountains of funding from various non-profits pouring into Peace-Think-Tanks, funding that somehow reached the most influential of “influencers.” Even so, the original definition of the Two-State solution as two states, Israel and Palestine, living peacefully side by side with a divided Jerusalem as each country’s capital, had become untenable. There was a need for deflection. The Peace-Think-Tanks scrambled and came up with a redefinition that would be acceptable to shell-shocked Israelis. Separation. No more talk of living peacefully side-by-side. No, that was too much to ask, to much to expect the Israeli Jew to agree to. So it became separation. Two states side by side by without amity between them. It was an effortless transformation from one mad idea into another no less mad, for it ignored, as did the original, the salient fact that the other side to the accord had no interest—and still has no interest—in coming to terms with a Jewish presence in the middle east.
“We are here. They are there,” was heard. Endlessly. That was the mantra of the new and renewed Oslo Accords. It was enough to keep the talking heads in business. Israelis were brow-beaten into believing that they were the problem, that all that was needed to reach the promised land of…well, whatever was meant by the term “peace,” was just a matter of allowing the Arabs to set up a state where no state had been before, without having to commit to any form of constructive neighborliness.
And so, with the passage of time, the Arabs surrounding Israel became de-facto rulers of two—count them—proto states, what should have been the perfect testbed to demonstrate their desire and ability to join the wider league of nations. In particular, Israel evacuated the Gaza Strip of all Jewish presence, military and civilian. Subsequently, literally tons of funding and humanitarian aid were funneled into the coffers of Hamas. The “haves” (the Arab 1%, common to all Arab control elites) certainly had, and the “have-nots” continued not to have.
Now we know where all that humanitarian aid went. And it will continue to go to the same places if Israel does not force a change. Israel cannot change a culture, in particular, Israel cannot change an irrevocably antagonistic culture. There is no making friends with the Jihad. Israel should have no concern whatsoever for the well-being of a people dedicated completely to Israel’s destruction, to that culture’s “re-education,” through new and improved school textbooks overflowing with philosemitism. The Palestinian “Other” has proved itself to be unworthy of any humanitarian consideration, rather, this “Other” has solidified its self-definition as nothing more than a negating entity whose sole purpose is the de-humanization and subsequent extermination of Israeli Jews.
These are facts. A “Palestinian” state can only be more of the same, a negating entity from inception until fruition. The tragedy, for the Jews, is that every one of the supporters of this idea knows that. They will not say that publicly, but, like Lucy holding the football, will endlessly proclaim: “This time it will be different, and if you do not believe us that this time will be different, then you are obviously against peace, and you also must be a colonizer.”
Thus, legions of mealy mouth smirking empty suits usher in, once again, on billboards and in newsrooms the world over, the eternal canard that Jews are the authors of their own persecution. Worse is that Jews of a particular ideological bent are recruited to the cause, and worse still, another particular type of Jew freely volunteers, full-heartedly, to denigrate fellow Jews, to stand against the Jewish State in its most critical hour of need.
Meanwhile the enemy is at the gates, testing our defenses from all directions. Even Egypt and Jordan are not being shy about publicly taking a stand against Israel. A great, unavoidable conflagration is upon us. Whoever has taken up arms against Israel or will take up arms against Israel as the conflict develops, must be destroyed utterly. No quarter given. No unconditional surrender. No surrender accepted whatsoever. This is the final battle.
A mighty Jewhad will befall all Jew-haters.
I was here for all of it, but was busy with family and trying to make a livelihood. I didn’t really understand what was happening. Just the feeling of fortifying ourselves in our houses (during the early 2000’s), and my small children not understanding why I was balling my eyes out on the day after Tisha B’Av, while they removed Jews and Jewish gravestones from the beautiful Gush Katif (Gaza). You have explained it well, and of course the mechanisms behind it all. So here we are.
A profound and insightful analysis. But the religious dimension needs to be discussed at some point. Is it not because of secularism that so many Israelis have the dream of an Israel that is essentially no different from Holland or Belgium?