This is about as succinct a summary of Jewish persecution over the last few centuries as one could ask for... I never thought of the idea of -isms, or even Jews providing in some ways their own solution.

We will always have need to wail, whether these be individual, intergenerational, or societal. If our "home" no longer feels like our home for many because of the judicial changes, then we will have far less comfort in doing so in the seat of Jewish significance. Though I can't help but feel even that is something we will get over. All of these political machinations are insignificant when compared with the opportunity to connect to something higher than ourselves.

If you've never done the under the wall tour, I highly recommend it.

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My eldest daughter was a tour guide for the Wall tunnels for two years. I received VIP treatment whenever I went. :) I want to think about what you wrote here. I will comment later.

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