
Settled? 6-day war? Straw men anyone? What was settled was settled in 1948-49, during the year-long Israeli war of Independence. The refusal of the Arabs to accept the UN partition plan led to that war and the permanent establishment of the Jewish State of Israel. That's 75 years of Arab whining and blame-deflection. It's time for Palestinian's to claim Jordan as their own, which it is, and get on with their lives.

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Arab perpetual grievance. A culture which can’t even have a festival (u of Penn) without hate and antisemitism. A culture which perverts civil institutions (hospitals in Gaza) to terror facilities.

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That’s such a bullshit topic. Only a tiny tiny tiny number of extreme uneducated far right Islamic extremists espouse that. No more in numbers than the amount of Zionist in Israel. God what a tired ass fucking constant victimhood narrative. Shut the fuck up

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No, we're done being victims, but I'm not surprised you haven't noticed. Sit back and watch.

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Crimes against humanity is such a great optic. Jesus Christ man you’re morally bankrupt empty headed mouth breathing cretin. Your genetic deficiency should be ended with you. And it certainly has nothing to do with what God you worship what building you do it in or any symbol associated with either. It’s simply due to the fact that you are a horrible human being.

The attempt to justify the unjustifiable is fucking pathetic.

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Well we've cleared up one point. You are quite the potty mouth, full of gibberish, signifying nothing. That's an even better optic. Pitiful.

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Even Zionism founder Theodor Herzl would stand with Hamas🇵🇸 today, I explain here:


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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Ehud Neor

This is very rich. I will have to return to these articles, rather than skim them. Thanks.

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Replying to Mostafa.

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Israel cannot win? Been there. Heard that. Ho hum.

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It's very naive to imagine that this conflict was settled in a 6-days military operation 55 years ago

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