After 25 hours of not looking at a screen (that is the Holy Shabbat day of rest), I was washing dishes and thinking how I would respond to comments on my previous posts on this subject. I was planning to “curb my enthusiasm,” in particular after
commented, saying that the story—at least the part about the officer insinuating himself into top secret meetings and gathering intel—was simply unbelievable. Hearing someone speaking objectively and saying that, stunned me into instinctively thinking: “She’s right.” In addition, I met an acquaintance during Shabbat who is a medium-level operative in the organization that exists to deal with this sort of affair. He said that there is something there, but in general he agreed with Diana.It is now Sunday morning. The Rotter Forum posted a link to a segment that was televised yesterday evening on the Israeli MSM channel 11. In this segment Israel’s leading investigative reporter, Ayala Hasson, interviews an individual that was the commanding officer of the spy.
Before translating some of the segment, there is an important fact that I mistakenly omitted from my earlier reports. Alongside the court order to prevent the spy’s name from being advertised, he was at the earliest stage committed to a psychiatric ward, a move that prevented legal action against him. Hasson is presenting this as a follow-up of an earlier piece of reporting that she did. If I can find that I will add the link.
00:08 “In continuation of what I reported earlier, the Lieutenant who disguised himself as a Captain and has been charged with serious espionage, is now to undergo a new in-person psychiatric evaluation…and I reported that the charge sheet against him shows that he operated as a very sophisticated con-man, exactly like a determined spy under external control, otherwise how can one explain his recording and reporting of such sensitive information…”
00:30 [This is a blurred-out picture of the spy, with his fake rank, standing no more than a yard behind Israel’s Secretary of Defense, in a forward war room looking at real-time data from the battlefield.]
00:58 “…the reason for the new evaluation is that the original evaluation was done through Zoom. Have you ever heard of such a thing? An individual accused of extreme espionage being evaluated through Zoom? …Someone trying to protect him by using the ‘crazy’ excuse?…”
01:39 “…this is how the truth is buried, and we are left with the question: ‘Why?’”
01:45 Ayala now begins her interview with Captain Rotem Darvish, who was the spy’s commanding officer when the spy was an active soldier five years ago. It also turns out that the spy has not done any reserve duty since finishing his service (I reported otherwise in my earlier piece).
01:58 Darvish: “I have many hours together with him. I know him well. Understand, I interviewed him before accepting him into our classified unit. I also questioned his previous commanders. He was interviewed by several officers senior to me, and though we all had some reservations about him, there was never any sign of psychological problems at all…We are talking about a very intelligent individual…Before he came to our unit he served in another classified unit whose applicants must pass a psychological evaluation…and then was accepted to another classified unit and underwent a further evaluation…”
05:19 Darvish: “…by the way, I saw this picture [the one at 00:30-EN] when the army spokesman’s office released it soon after Oct.7. I saw him and laughed out loud. Why did I laugh? Because I knew for a fact that he is not a Captain, that he is a Lieutenant, that he was released from the army as a Lieutenant, and that since he was released he has not done any reserve duty…I asked myself: ‘who did he lie to, or who did he know, that let him gain entrance?’…and because I know his entire service history, he had no business whatsoever entering the Southern Command…”
06:59 Ayala: “He records meeting after meeting, writes copious notes in his notebooks classified details that if you read them your hair will stand up on end…Who was he doing this for? Who sent him? …He passed the intelligence on to citizens and military individuals…[all unnamed—EN]…”
07:30 Ayala: “…Why do they want to define him as mentally unfit?…”
So here we have a top Israeli investigative reporter raising the questions:
How did this spy on the morning of Oct 7 put on a uniform with a fake rank and arrive at the center of the command action and successfully gain entrance to the base if he was not following a pre-planned action?
Who was he working for? Who controlled him?
How was he so easily and quickly (through zoom!) committed to a psychiatric prison, preventing him from being put on trial?
I think we are witnessing the disintegration of the “conspiracy.” It is incredible in my eyes that it has remained concealed for almost a year. Preoccupation with an ongoing war had something to do with this. The bomb from Yemen this morning headlined the news. Regardless, Pandora’s box has been open, and other reporters are not likely to concede this story completely to Ayala. It is now a race to retrieve and report details. There will be a huge amount of pressure to lift the court order.
And then, if Ayala is correct, Israel’s hair will stand on end.
And the Lord said to Shemu᾽el, Behold, I will do a thing in Yisra᾽el, at which both the ears of every one that hears it shall tingle. I Samuel 3:11
Previous posts:
I wouldn't be surprised if he Biden Administration hadn't its fingers in this.
Hi Ehud,
On the one hand you think I'm right, but the message I get from this post is that there was such a man.
I'm not at home right now so I can't develop my thoughts via text dictation. I will return in a few hours and give you my reasoning at greater length.
Just for now, I would like to thank you for engaging with me in such a civil fashion. Because it's only via civil engagement that we can arrive at the truth. Screaming insults does no good.